
Who are you?

I'm Michael, a web developer from Australia who likes coding and helping people get online. I am always seeking new horizons and challenges and when I first started programming, I understood what I had been missing my entire life: the ability to develop and create things with code.

What tools and languages do you use?

I build front-end applications with HTML, CSS/Sass and JavaScript/React. I also build with WordPress and this is a good option if you want to take more control over your online content. For back-end services I mostly use Firebase's Firestore database.

Check out my GitHub and my project showcase to see more of my work and personal web projects.

What are the ongoing costs of a website?

For a dot com domain, e.g. your-business.com, the annual cost is from $12 USD per year. A dot com domain website gives your business credibility and legitimacy and will be viewed as more trustworthy than a free domain. However, I can also arrange free hosting (zero ongoing cost) with a sub-domain and this is still a good option for hobby sites.

Do you offer ongoing support?

Yes! For a limited time as I establish my freelance web developer business, I am willing to administer any website that I build. This includes managing hosting and making edits to your website. Also, if the site goes down I will do what I can to fix that and get you back online as soon as possible. This exclusive offer won't last and for those who help me build my professional portfolio. Please note that this does not cover any annual hosting or domain expenses.

How can I pay for your services?

I accept PayPal via their request money service. You do not need a PayPal account to use this service and will receive an email with a link to pay directly with a credit card or bank account. I also accept payments in the following cryptocurrencies:

  • Bitcoin logo Bitcoin
  • Ethereum logo Ethereum
  • Litecoin logo Litecoin
  • Dogecoin logo Doge